Peter Schubert included in New York Times Article "In a Battered New York Office Market, Life Science Is Flourishing"

Peter Schubert

Ennead Partner Peter Schubert included in New York Times article about the New York City Area's burgeoning commercial life science industry.

An excerpt from the article:

"Nor is every building suitable for conversion [to a life science laboratory], said Peter Schubert, a partner at Ennead Architects, which has worked on life science projects. The best candidates have large floor plates, are structurally robust to prevent vibrations that can be disastrous in lab work and have high ceilings that can accommodate the extensive ductwork necessary for enhanced ventilation. Electrical systems need to support increased power requirements. Loading docks may need to separate, say, the secure arrival of tissue samples and the removal of chemical waste. Although former manufacturing plants often fit the bill, 'it’s really building by building,' Mr. Schubert said."

Read the full article here.