Taopu Smart City

Ennead 1433 Taopu 605 01 Final Ext Photo 0003

Taopu Smart City

This competition-winning urban design for a research and development community represents a new step for Chinese urbanism: creating incrementally constructed iconic civic space.

Ennead 1433 Taopu 605 01 Final Ext Photo 0021

Our design goal was to create something greater than a single building; our goal was to create a memorable and connected civic district.

Peter Schubert, Design Partner
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Located on the western edge of Shanghai, Taopu Smart City is part of a new district being planned around one of Shanghai’s largest future parks. The design actively engages its context, creating strong visual, pedestrian and infrastructure connections with the surrounding site, district and city.

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1416 Axo Render

A unifying architectural language was established to create individual iconic moments and a cohesive urban garden identity for the development as a whole.

A network of indoor and outdoor spaces develops a fluid pedestrian experience incorporating memorable urban spaces within the city to support a 24/7, activated, mixed-use urban environment. The multi-level pedestrian network forges symbiotic relationships between retail areas, park spaces and streetscapes. The design supports a connected research and development community while linking to the existing subway and transportation infrastructures.

Ennead 1433 Taopu 605 01 Final Ext Photo 0008

With the development's first block now under construction, our team is now developing the project's iconic cluster of three towers at the south end of the district's central park.

Ennead 1433 Taopu 605 01 Final Ext Photo 0011


7,470,150 GSF
Offices, Residences, Hotel, Retail Space, Restaurants and Cafés, Public Outdoor Spaces


Ennead Design Team
Peter Schubert, Kevin McClurkan, Grace Chen, Andrew Burdick, Steven Peppas, Jing Lu, Lynn Zhang, Michael Spitaleri, Eric Tsui, Stephanie Tung, Dayo Adeyemi, Josh Broadway, Margarita Calero, Magdalena Checo, Colin Davis, Kyle Graham, Wenny Hsu, Daekyung Jo, Sang Hyun Lee, Jazzy Li, Xinya Li, Xiaoyun Mao, Sandra Marcatili, Kyung Il Min, Nikita Payusov, Chris Shusta, Lanxi Sun, Chao Wei, Charles Wong, Lingxiao Xie, David Yu, Ricky Zhai
Associate Architect
China Construction Design International


  • 2015
    • DeSantis, Christopher. “Ennead Architects Releases Plan for Taopu Sci-Tech City in China” (contractdesign.com, 8/7/2015)
    • Johnson, Sara. “Taopu Sci-Tech City” (architectmagazine.com, 8/5/2015)
    • Mendelson, Zoe. “This Architecture Movement Wants to Trick You Into Taking the Stairs” (nextcity.org, 6/2/2015)
    • Rosenfield, Karissa. “Ennead Unveils Plans for Shanghai's Taopu Sci-Tech City” (archdaily.com, 8/4/2015)