Offsetting the tower components is a very clever manipulation of mass; it is achieved by cantilevering a section 25 feet over the west end of 500 Park – a device that combines shoehorning and piggybacking with rather staggering ingenuity.
Even a quarter of a century later, 500 Park remains an exceptional example of how the juxtaposition of new construction with an existing building can create an elegant ensemble and, rather than diminishing the excellence of either, can heighten consciousness of both and bridge temporal periods.
- 年份
- 1984
- 项目地点
- New York, NY
- 项目规模
- 244,790 GSF
- 功能
- Eleven Floors of Offices, Twenty-nine Floors of Condominiums
- Ennead 团队
- James S. Polshek, Paul Byard, Marla Appelbaum, Dan Bernstein, James Garrison, Richard Olcott
- 主任建筑师
- SLCE Architects, LLP
- 1987
- Tucker Architectural Award, Building Stone Institute
- 1986
- AIA National Honor Award for Architecture
- 1985
- Distinguished Architecture Award, AIA/New York Chapter
- Certificate of Merit for Excellence in Design, AIA/New York State
- 1983
- Award of Merit, The Concrete Industry Board, Inc. of New York
- 1989
- Davis, Douglas. "Slaying the Neo-Modern Dragon" (Art in America, 1/1989)
- 1986
- "Post-Modern Architecture" (The Wall Street Journal, 5/14/1986)
- Robinson, Cervin. "Contextual Tower Rises Above a 50's Classic" (Architecture, 7/1986)
- 1984
- Goldberger, Paul. "Defining Luxury in New York's New Apartments" (The New York Times, 8/16/1984)
- Wiseman, Carter. "Good Neighbor Policy" (New York Construction News, 9/1984)
- 1983
- Goldberger, Paul. "A New Meaning for Luxury" (Home Design, 4/17/1983)
- Wiseman, Carter. "Setting New Standards for Sensitive Innovation on Park Avenue" (New York Magazine, 9/19/1983)
- 1981
- Huxtable, Ada Louise. "500 Park—A Skillful Solution" (The New York Times, 5/3/1981)
- Wiseman, Carter. "Power to the People" (New York Magazine, 10/5/1981)