WGBH imagines itself as an ‘idea factory,’ and indeed it is a place with a creative nature that is nonetheless straightforward, clear and without pretention. Its building is expressive of the intense and diverse creative efforts that are an everyday occurrence and foster such creativity every way it can.
- 年份
- 2007
- 项目地点
- Brighton, MA
- 项目规模
- 310,000 GSF
- 功能
- Technical Operations Center, TV Production Studios, Radio Station Performance Studio, Full Editing Suites, On Air Facilities for BBC The World, Screening Rooms, Auditorium, Offices
- LEED Certified
- Ennead 团队
- Richard Olcott, Timothy Hartung, Tomas Rossant, Molly McGowan, Pat Golden, Katharine Huber, Kate Mann, Charmian Place, Elizabeth Arnaiz, James Bennett, Peter Broughton, Tanya Chan, Louisa Clayton, Jennifer Dubas, Darla Elsbernd, Carlyle Fraser, Adam Hayes, Christen Johansen, Kwansoo Kim, Tara Leibenhaut-Tyre, Si-Yeon Min, Michael O'Meara, German Ortiz, Michael Regan, Melissa Sarko, Anni Shu
- 2010
- Society of American Registered Architects, National Design Award of Recognition, 2010
- 2008
- Honor Award for Design Excellence, AIA/Massachusetts and the Boston Society of Architects, 2008
- 2008
- McHugh, Sharon. "Mass communications on the Mass Pike" (worldarchitecturenews.com, 5/18/2008)
- Weeks, Katie. "Must-See TV" (Contract, 2/2008)
- 2007
- Campbell, Robert. "A bridge to the future in Brighton, WGBH settles into a picture-perfect digital age home" (The Boston Globe, 9/16/2007)
- Campbell, Robert. "Experiencing Architecture With Seven Senses, Not One" (Architectural Record, 11/2007)
- Delgado, Lisa. "Polshek's LED Wall in Boston Gives Drivers an Eyeful" (The Architect's Newspaper, 10/31/2007)
- McKnight, Jenna M. "Polshek Fuses Media and Architecture" (Architectural Record, 9/17/2007)
- Pogrebin, Robin. "Three New Buildings About Communications Are Also Designed to Communicate" (The New York Times, 9/19/2007)
- 2005
- Bowen, Ted Smalley. "Polshek building near Boston" (Architectural Record, 4/2005)
- Edgers, Geoff. "WGBH marks groundbreaking" (The Boston Globe, 1/26/2005)
- 结构
- LeMessurier
- 暖通/电气/给排水
- Vanderweil Engineers
- 土木工程
- Vanasse Hangen Brustlin, Inc.
- 地理技术
- Haley & Aldrich, Inc.
- 景观设计
- Hargreaves Associates
- 灯光
- Brandston Partnership, Inc.
- 平面设计
- Poulin + Morris, Inc., 2x4, Inc.
- 音响声学
- Janson Design Group
- 安全
- Ducibella Venter & Santore
- 规格
- Construction Specifications, Inc.
- 规范/生活安全
- Hughes Associates, Inc.
- 可持续设计
- Steven Winter Associates, Inc., Viridian Energy & Environmental, LLC
- 食品服务
- Next Step Design, Inc.
- 电梯
- Iros Elevator Design Services, Inc.
- 环境设计
- GZA GeoEnvironmental, Inc.
- 幕墙
- Boston Anchor, LLC
- Systems Integration
- The Systems Group
- Pre-Construction Services
- George B.H. Macomber Company
- 总承包商
- Turner Construction Company
- 摄影
- Jeff Goldberg/Esto, Alex S. MacLean/Landslides Photography